I’m Chris

Your Personal Trainer

Work towards your fitness goals, with one of our amazing certified personal trainers, for the price of one meal at a restaurant a month.

Looking for a convenient and effective way to reach your fitness goals?

Our experienced personal trainers use proven methods to help you transform your body, and improve your holistic health.
Here's what you can expect when you sign up.

Long Term Fitness Alternative Compared to Traditional Options

Traditional Gym Personal Training Courses Elevation
Personal Training
Monthly Cost$50-$100/ facility use only $350-700/ expensive hourly sessions $75/ unlimited sessions plus value add-ons
Convenience Local Gym Studio Virtual/ Studio
Personalized Heath Guidance Some
Nutrition/ Diet Some
Results Own effort Short term approach
(90 days typical)
Long term wellness solution

Flexible Training Options to Fit Your Lifestyle & Budget

Starts at $75/month for unlimited trainer led sessions. Monthly pay-as-you-go, risk free, no contract lock-ins 

personal trainer

Expert-Led Group Training

Work towards your fitness goals with a fun and supportive community through unlimited live virtual group training sessions.
Live Personal Trainer

Live Personal Training

Get personalized attention and enjoy the convenience and flexibility of training from anywhere, at any time.
In-person Personal Trainer

In-person Personal Training

Work out with your personal trainer in our studio, or at your location, and together we can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Why Choose a Personal Training Program?

Transform Your Health and Fitness with Our Tailored Approach

Start Your Fitness Journey Today

Take the first step towards a healthier, happier you with our personal fitness training programs.

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